Pillar One - Enrollment

Supporting Enrollment at Your Campus

"You only have one chance to make the Right First Impression."

Pillar Two - Housekeeping

What Are The Psychological Effects Of Clutter According To Science?

“So, we have a paradox where washing the dishes one time is seemingly unimportant. But washing them 10,000 times (consistently, every day) is important because that repetition ensures that we always have plates and silverware at our disposal. But we can’t wash the dishes 10,000 times unless we start by washing them once. A single action done correctly and repeatedly makes all the difference in our lives.”

— Alex Kakuyo

Pillar Three - Hospitality

Why Hospitality Is The Next Frontier

 “True hospitality consists of giving the best of yourself to your guests.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Leadership Skills Training: The Importance of Empathy

"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be."

-Rosalynn Carter

7 Defining Characteristics of Leadership Influence

"Work hard. 

If results depend on effort, then you will carry yourself far. 

If results depend on effort and luck, then you will have done what you can to influence the outcome. 

And if results depend on luck alone, then the outcome is random, but you will have won the battle with yourself." 


"The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible."
– Dwight D. Eisenhower

Cultivating Leadership Excellence: Navigating the Ten Stages of Leadership Maturity

 "Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them." ~ Winston Churchill

Setting Employee Expectations: Improve Productivity and Engagement

Do you know what you want from your employees? A study from Gallup found that 50 percent of managers don’t. For this reason, only half of the people on their teams said they know exactly what’s expected of them at work. 

Being Grateful Makes You a Better Leader

Studies found that leaders who express appreciation are more influential, respected, and happier. In a Glassdoor survey, 81% of employees said they would work harder for a grateful boss. Best of all, positive recognition is contagious. And research shows that a simple thank you has the power to motivate prosocial behavior. 

Intentionality - On Purpose, With Purpose

“An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.” John Maxwell